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Adventurous couple have sex on the beach

In The Roo
It's time I let everyone in on my dirty little secret. Every winter, since I can recall, I have toyed girls' basketball. I wasn't even at University for a week before I was marking my schedule with the date for tryouts. Gratefully, I made the team, and now in my 2nd year, I even earned a nice training jacket. We had a bad record last season, but this year I am optimistic that I can do my part to help us attain victory. I may be summoned by my lack of height, but I can steal the ball nicer than the majority of females in Canada. My hop shot isn't half bad either. :) Anyhow, when aforementioned jacket arrived at my vapid, I wished to take some pics to send friends and family. I must be totally corrupted, because I made it all of Five minutes before the clothes were coming off and I was determined to capture my more athletic side to share with my extended voy-zone network of friends.

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Wifey of 34 years This history has an some place of the fantastic world, in christmas day, this is a good night, realy. regards. @ december 25 2003 Esta historia se realizo en algun lugar de este maravilloso planeta, fue el dia de navidad, esta si que fue realmente una NOCHE BUENA. Saludos. @


Here's file. Oops. Been mooching off of other's contributions for a while now, determined it was time to send in a few of my own. This time, just me. Working on some of the missus. Just call these joy with clothespins. Let me know what you think on the BB. thanks :-)


