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Gay caught playng on the nude beach

just another nice day
Kate and gang: I've been visiting your sits every day now for almost as lengthy as it's been around and love it. I thought it was about time I contribute so I went out and purchased a scanner and have been active scanning pictures of ex's, sand outings and motorcycle events I've attended over the years. So let's embark with these of my all time beloved damsel friend taken about 20 years ago (damn! am I that old?). Anyway her name is Barb, I had taken them while on a motorcycle run, when we broke up I had them copied, she has no idea I have them, she thinks hers are the only copies.ÝÝ love. Ý You can call me

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I fuck fantastic :)) *Jo Hot Fudge..Cocksicle - This is our 2nd RC contri, I just dreamed to share with you all the one of my beloved treats! Yummy! Nothing like a big dick with your hot fudge topping... MMMMMMMMM, Want to suck it all off!!!! Hope you love it as much as I did!


Wifey getting ready Hi Kate and Team Luving your site for several months now thought it was time to send a few pics. Karen is 31 from the USA and very jumpy about sending pics. But with good comments I'm sure she will let me send more.Blur any faces if any and PDPMEMA hehe Thanks for the good site


