Nudism is not a religion. The characteristic of a religion is blind faith in an intangible. Belief in something which cannot be proved. Nudism is a way of life and a form of recreation. Nothing else. The benefits in the form of physical and mental health are tangible and easily proven. The individual who started this movement to have nudism declared a religion evidently didn’t think it through. As things stand in today’s political climate a nudist religion could not be practiced on public property, an ever growing amount of real estate, nor could it even be mentioned in schools. While sexually oriented nudity could still be shown in the movies and TV wholesome, family oriented nudism being a religion could not. These three things are essential to the growth of family nudism. 1) More public lands should be set aside for clothing optional use 2) nudism should be taught in school as a perfectly acceptable alternative way of life and recreation and Social Studies classes should introduce students to the many countries, mostly former Socialist Block countries, who embrace nudity 3) nudity should be portrayed in the movies and on television as being perfectly normal and natural rather than being sexually charged and titillating.
Category: Nudist stories
How did I come to be a nudist?
How did I come to be a nudist? Well, this is kind of a hard question because I don’t know for sure whether I am a nudist or not. But the fact remains that I am on my way. At least I have made my first, still uncertain, steps. It all started last summer when I first met Andrew. He suggested that we go to a secluded Long Island beach where to meet someone is a very rare opportunity. It was our plan to bring along as many people as possible, but in the end there were only three of us coming: Andrew, me, and my friend Alice.
Alice and I got everything ready for the planned picnic: we bought some food, put on new swimsuits, and took large bedding. Andrew had been already waiting for us at the bus stop. Having been lectured on our tardiness, we got into the bus. There was a long way to go bus and then a few miles to walk, so we started to lose our clothing, piece by piece, while we were still on our way. Andrew took off his T-shirt and used it to cover his head. Alice and I also took off our T-shirts and walked on wearing our skirts and swimsuit tops.
We had been rather tired when we finally got to the public beach. But Andrew did not stop there. Instead he led us on promising to show us some fantastic spot. We were walking along posh villas, the road was dusty and the heat was something devastating. We were dying to dive into cool water and stretch on the bedding! When we had covered another mile we finally took a turn from the main road and walked in a single file along a narrow path that wound its way between bushes and trees. Finally we saw the glade we had been looking for! We disposed of what was left from our clothing and tossed our bags to the ground carelessly and decided to take a plunge into the river. Cool and clean water made us feel alive again. Andrew and I were the first to come out of water.
‘What would you say if I took off my swimming trunks?’ – he asked. Then he continued: ‘I want my suntan to be even’.
I wouldn’t mind him doing so if it was not for Alice being around. I knew she would be scandalized if he were to do this. But I did not object openly to the bloke. He stripped and lay on his stomach, exposing his butt to the sunrays. By the by, the color of his butt did not differ from that of the rest of his body. Terrified by Alice’s would-be reaction, I was waiting for her to approach. Finally I saw her coming out of the water serenely. When she came closer and saw Andrew, she looked like she was stricken by lightning, but she did not say a thing and triying hard to look like nothing had happened, lay down beside us.
So, there we were sunbathing like that: Andrew was nude, while Alice and me had our swimsuits on. When Andrew thought that Alice was no longer embarrassed by his nudity, he took me aside, kissed and said ‘Take off all of your clothes’. Frankly speaking, I had been craving to take my swimsuit off and expose to the sun the paler spots on my body. But in sympathy with Alice I had not done this. But now that we were separated from Alice by a wall of shrubbery, I couldn’t fight the temptation if letting him yank off all the unnecessary pieces of clothing from me. Then we lay on the grass and started playing cards. Andrew called Alice. We did not have to ask her twice, and presently she joined us.
‘Don’t be a coy, go ahead and take your swimsuit off! There is no one around!’ – suggested Andrew, but she only shook her head. I realized that my own nudity was even more confusing for her than Andrew’s, but sweeping away the feeble pangs of my conscience, I remained to be stripped to the bark. After a while we heard the sound of started engine and then an old Buick came into view. There emerged a couple of it – a man and a woman. Having set all of their possessions ready to have a good time, they went straight to the water. They were absolutely nude. Notwithstanding the fact that their bodies were, well, far from being perfect, they were not in the least put out by their nudity and were feeling quite natural. They lay on the beach to sunbathe when they emerged out of the water.
Then it was our turn to bathe. Andrew refused pointblank to put on his swimming trunks. As for me, I put on my swimsuit rather unwillingly, only for the sake of my sympathy towards Alice. I am not sure as for the couple’s reaction towards our emerging from behind the bushes, but Andrew was feeling quite relaxed. He was not even embarrassed by fishermen fishing somewhere at a distance in their boats. When we came out of the water the Buick was already gone and we came back to our old place on the glade. Andrew took off my swimsuit from me without saying anything and wiped me with a bath towel. It was a fantastically blissful sensation to stand amidst flamboyant greenery nude enjoying the life-giving sunrays. And although somewhere deep in my heart I still felt the remains of my shyness, I was very determined to forget about it, not letting it get me down.
Andrew tried to do the same to Alice, to help her to fight her constraint, but she only rushed away in panic from him. After this he let her alone for a while. Then our conversation flowed to discussing the ways of breast enlargement, and Alice started teaching me some daily breast enlargement exercise complex. To demonstrate the work of breast muscles, or maybe because her desire finally conquered her shyness, Alice let her swimsuit slip to her waist, and we started doing the exercises together. Andrew caught us in this very position, kneeling close to each other and doing some intricate exercises. Alice was awfully embarrassed and put the straps of her swimsuit top back on her shoulders.
It was getting late and it was time for us to start packing our things and go back home, but we wanted to take yet another plunge before we leave. Andrew and I decided to do it nude. Holding hands with each other, when the water reached our waists we looked back and to our utter surprise we saw Alice standing by the water… totally nude!
Tired but happy and full of new impressions, we were getting back home. It was our first experience of bathing nude outdoors, an unexpected and enjoyable experience. Now I am anxiously waiting for the summertime to come to continue my acquaintance with nature in its primordial form. Andrew and I plan to go to the seaside. And I know for sure that we won’t need any ‘textile’ pastime by the seaside anymore.
When I was in my very early teens
When I was in my very early teens I used to strip off every time my parents were out of the house and enjoyed the feeling of being nude.
There were times when I went out in to the back yard and that feeling of the air all over my body was, and still is, indescrible. During my teen years I was not a recluse in my love of naturism and would not hesitate to admit to my love of being nude. Always in the context of the conversation, I never pushed it in peoples faces so to speak, but if the conversation had a leaning toward skinny dipping or the like I would say that I have no problem joining in or taking part.
Right up to the day I got married I had not experienced social nudity like in a club or beach. Of course my wife knew of my love of being nude but at that time did not join me in my nude time. It was in the second year of marriage that we wnt on a camping holiday to Europe with friends. We travelled through Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. On the return trip we stopped for a couple of nights on the Isle of Sylt which is just off Germany near the boarder with Denmark. My wife was there when she was very small as her family was stationed there with the RAF. There has been nude beaches on Sylt for years.
When we had set up the tent our friends went off into the town and I asked the wife if she wanted to check out the beach. To this she agreed. It was only the other side of the road from where we had camped so off we went. We walked through the dunes and came out on to a wonderful beach where everybody were nude. The wife looked at me and smiled saying go on then I know you want to join in. So I did!!! This was my first time nude in a social setting and it felt marvelous to be nude with others who enjoyed the same feeling I did.
We sat down on the beach and just relaxed for a while. The wife at this point was still textile. I am not one for sitting around for long periods and went for a walk along the waters edge. I would like to add at this point that whilst we had been in Sweden I had sunbathed nude on a couple of occasions when we were in the dunes by ourselves and the wife had gone topless. On returning from my walk I spotted a sight that will stay with me forever, my wife was lying on her back totally nude. This was such a wonderful sight that I must admit it gave me my first erection on a nude beach. I did spend at least the next five minutes lying on my front in the sand.
She said that she had felt the odd one out with others nude around her so she joined in. When we decided we better walk back to the tent we just picked up our clothes and walked as far as we dare before putting them back on to cross the dunes and the road back to the camp site. On the walk back she told me that she now knew why I liked being nude as the feeling was out of this world and we made arrangements to spend more time on the beach the next day which was the last before the long drive home.
When we got back to the tent our friend were back from town and asked us where we had been so we told them we had been to check out the nude beach. They asked what it was like and if there were many people there. We replied by saying there were two more when we got there… you should have seen there faces.
From that day forward we have enjoyed a nudist lifestyle and not hidden the fact we are nudists from friends or family. That was 37 years ago this summer. Some of the family still think we are wierd but who cares… we don’t.
Spread the word.. nude is best. Bob..
One of the girls said she would get naked. How cool.
When I was 7 several of us were playing. One of the girls said she would get naked. How cool. She asked the boys to join her and no one did, so I said I would. It was just so great to be there naked and natual like that. It was the first time I was ever nude with anyone and I loved it.
I never had a chance to be nude till I was older. In high school we went on a trip with my family to St.Martin’s Orient Beach. It was so cool so many naked people. My family was amused and I stayed naked with them. Then I went down the beach, took off my suit, and walked down the beach naked. So many people naked and so many clothed. I loved it. I stood in line at a restroom naked and it was so neat. I had to put lotion on parts that never were tanned before and it was so cool to just stand and do it. There were two girls watching me and it seemed so natural. They were my age.
I spent the afternoon avoiding my family and being nude all day. I was hooked. One thing I did notice though is that I was a little smaller … all right …. a lot smaller than every guy there. You know what I mean. My little penis was about an inch and a half soft and looked like a little mushroom cap.
Sometimes some girls would giggle when I walked by, but I didn’t care, I still loved being naked. I am very thin and muscular and girls say good looking, but I am very small, so it was embarrassing at first.
Now, I go to nude beaches whenever I can, I love Haulover in Florida. I evern trim my pubic hair really close and I don’t mind if some girls giggle at my small little penis. I love it even though …
I go naked at my house whenever I can and when I go to college I am never going to wear clothes at home. I love to be naked as much as possible. Sure, I wish I was bigger, but it just isn’t important. It does reach almost 5 inches when I am excited, still small but oh well. No matter how you look, you should get nude as often as you can. It is the greatest. I hope this will help other guys who are small or girls with small breasts realize that being nude can be great no matter what you look like.
And, if you see a small guy, laugh if you want, but get to know him, he may be a great guy!!
There are a lot of closet nudists out there
There are a lot of closet nudists out there, and I’m one of them. So, I decideed to write this to help others like me to find more ways to go nude. Here are some helpful tips:
At home:
When no one is home, (Or if you’re willing to take your chances with someone around) just bare it all and do your usual stuff. The wind blowing against your body feels absolutely wonderful. For those who with their own rooms, you can lock the door and sleep in the nude. Try wearing just shorts (Men) or a single piece t-shirt (Women). That way, you can slip in faster if someone comes about. And for those people who share rooms, you can slip off your clothes and sleep in the nude, covered with a blanket of course. If you’re scared you’ll kick it off, tuck the sides of the blanket in tightly to the sides of the bed. You can also go back and forth the bathroom nude, and no one will probably say a thing. This is probably the first step for anyone who plans to tell their parents about their naturist activities. My parents are a bit open-minded, but they have their limits for nudism. I’m normally allowed to go nude before or after bathing for a while. Going longer than that will warrant a frown from them. I’m currently working on trying to make my parents come to terms with my nudism.
If you’re lucky enough to have a nudist beach or center nearby, then don’t hesitate to visit it. Howeve if you’re unlucky enough (like me), you can always improvise. If you have your own swimming pool, you can always go there. If you have a private one, then use it! However, if you live in an apartment (like me, again), you could try going at around 2-3 am. Alternately, go during office hours and school times, when there will be no one. A good way to be safe is to wrap your swimsuit around your hands, so if anyone comes, you can easily slip it on. And, if you have a park nearby, (Go on the same times as the swimming pool) A good idea if you’re going to the park or a hike, bring the necessary supplies and a plastic bag or a bag to keep your clothes in. I normally bring slippers so I can remove and wear it easily. I prefer to go barefoot anywhere, by the way. If you have a bicycle, you could try cycling around nude. Always think of new ways to go natural. Make sure you map out a proper time to go and to return. Watch out for people to. You can also try jogging around the neighbourhood. Try alleywyas and isolated areas. Becareful if you want to take an extra risk by jogging past other people’s houses.
That’s about it. The main point I stress is to USE YOUR BRAIN! Find more places to go nude and always think ahead for everything. Okay then, that’s about all I got to say. Until next time, keep nude!
We seek out nude beaches

While in college, I went with some friends from my dorm to a beach just south of Santa Cruz. It was not a nude beach and my friends and I did not go nude, but there were several other people who were nude. It was apparent that the skinny dippers were having a good time and didn’t care who else saw them. This was a completely new concept for me. There was no “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine” quid pro quo, which is the way I understood nudist parks to function. The attitude was “I’m going nude because I enjoy it and everyone else can just deal with it.”
I did not go nude that day because I did not know what the attitude of my friends would be toward it. It wasn’t until a couple of years later when I had access to a car that I went to Bonny Doon Beach just north of Santa Cruz. I had gone alone that day but there were plenty of other people on the beach and most of them were nude. I didn’t have any major anxieties about taking my clothes off, but I was reassured to find that nobody was laughing and pointing and that I didn’t have any problems suppressing my level of arousal. I found that within a couple of minutes I was able to relax and just enjoy being on the beach. There were a whole new series of pleasant sensations such feeling the sun and the breeze all over my body and running along the beach and jumping in the water without a soggy bathing suit. The experience lived up to my expectations. Thereafter, I would visit nude beaches a few times each summer whenever the opportunity availed itself.
I eventually married a very proper lady who I met at church. I assumed at the time that we got engaged that I would be giving up nude beaches forever. Then, she told me about how she and her sister grew up skinny dipping in their backyard swimming pool. A few months after we were married, I took my wife to Red, White, & Blue Beach in California. It was her first time nude on a beach and she thoroughly enjoyed it. Now when we go on vacation, we seek out nude beaches and prefer to stay at nudist resorts. We now have a backyard swimming pool and use swimsuits only when we have visitors.
Dale Slips into a Nudist Camp
Dale Slips into a Nudist Camp
My narrative is nicely over 3000 words, however you can read it at
-Dale Lund
Branson, Missouri
Being naked outside for the first time proved to be a real encounter.
pet out. I simply wore a top that went down to below the crotch. I genuinely enjoyed the cool wind that reached parts of me that
had never felt a cool wind. All I can declare is
“WOW.” It felt so great that I needed more.
So I reversed the buttons all down the front. That let in more coolness, and I simply felt the “WOW even more powerful. My head simply said do it. So I
took off the top and there I was totally
Naked to the cool wind.
more extreme. My head simply said yes, yes, yes.
I should stop messing around and simply declare
I’m now a nudist. I’ve consistently loved being
Naked whenever possible. Now I’m a nudist with
WOW, what a wonderful feeling!
First Awakening
At the office, my supervisor and coworker resided near the finest beach on Long Island and requested me to join his family for a beach day, so I concurred. It turned out to be a private beach, the town’s only resident shore. In minutes I saw people standing by a 10 foot totem pole, they all were nude and had long ponytails, along with a sign said “clothing optional.”
Not going, he said take it away and take pleasure in the waves. I did, as well as the blustery waves on my body proved to be a completely new life knowledge.
I’ve never become the same inhibited soul after that. Nature was a blast, there all the time, as well as the present was mine.
-Louis P.
A number of years back, I began to be drawn to social nudity. I adored being naked since I was around 10. I needed to slip out of my pj’s when I slept, then slip back into them. Just a textile family.
Well, across the time that I turned 48 I determined I needed to understand more, and began browsing websites. AANR, etc. From this I discovered Hidden River Resort in north Florida.
I’d get information from the AANR website, and assorted Christian Nudist newsgroups, and then forwards that information to my wife.
We arrived and with plenty of trepidation, got a tour of the facilities.
Within only several minutes, I was undressed and feeling free. My wife yet went considerably slower.
We chose to walk the trails first. As we walked she inquired how I felt. “Is not it strange?” We afterward saw another naked couple, and nothing occurred! We said hello – and spoke a couple of minutes – and it was not unusual. It was truly quite natural.
We went back to the vehicle, and she freely undressed, and we walked to the outside showers. “Nude as jay birds.”
It was amazing – we spent a number of hours in the pool, hanging out as well as discussing. What an excellent day trip – excellent people, as well as the hostess was top notch!
If you arer worried about becoming aroused, or others seeing you – do not be. When you get your clothing away – we all seem the same!
Thanks AANR for the information you supplied. Thank you CNC as well as the other Christian newsgroups for helping us see that we can still have our beliefs – and enjoy social nudity.
Now – we are constantly looking forward to our next visits, and we are slowly introducing our relatives and buddies to the lifestyle.
We stopped to consider the ocean and understood we were above a nude beach. First, we saw a youthful and healthy couple. Subsequently we saw people who looked like me, old and not too appropriate.
I determined that I needed to skinny dip for the very first time in my adult life. My wife did not join me then.
Ever since then, we have joined AANR, seen clubs in the U.S. and Europe and I often skinny dip throughout the summer. I have discovered that if I swim early enough in the early hours, I ‘ve the lake to myself.
My story of my first nude beach encounter
Before I begin writing anything else and before I discuss with you my story of my first nude beach encounter, I believe that I must say several things about the girlfriends I went with. These are my three best girlfriends that I’ve understood for a long time, ever since we began first grade. We stayed great girlfriends all these years and every year (when we can manage it), we go for a holiday down to Mexico and check out a fresh location each year. It’s been our little tradition for a few years now and we’ve had some crazy times south of the boundary. Nevertheless, this last year was actually something else. It was the very first time we went to a nudist beach and I only need to discuss our experience.
We initially believed that it’d only be another one of our excursions, all four of us were actually psyched to go and we actually wanted the holiday. Also, we chose to go someplace where we could actually kick back and relax without needing to bash all night long. We determined on a location called Riviera Maya that’s just south of Cancun, but in addition merely south enough to avoid all of the crowds that harass Cancun. When we got there, it absolutely was like heaven. Well, it was one of these areas. I really could recommend it to practically everyone.
And for a day or two, everything was going as intended. We were relaxing on the shores entire day long, went out for several drinks in the evenings and we were, if we’re fair, being a dull group. Actually, it was becoming a bit too dull. I mean we were still in our 20ies and however exhausted you get over the course of the year, you do need some pleasure when you go on a holiday. That’s when one of my girlfriends, Tyra, said that there’s a shore where nudists go, something of a combined shore at which it is possible to go either clothed or in the nude. This was something we never attempted before and we determined that it will be a great way to spice things up a bit. We also expected that there would be some men there that we could take a look at in the nude.
The very first thing that we noticed when we got to the shore is that everyone was in their swimming suits, guys, girls, everyone. As it turned out, this wasn’t true. The nudist section of the shore was a bit down the shore and we soon began seeing a growing number of folks enjoying their day in the seashore in the nude. There were ladies in topless, women which were completely bare and even a few extremely hot men all naked and showing off.
Then it hit us we were extremely self-conscious. I made the decision to give topless a go as well as the image which I sent you is only that. Tyra in the middle, all naked and without a care in the world.
The independence is intoxicating as well as the sun feels so fantastic on the nude skin.
I was born in a state where nudism/naturism is still taboo
I was born in a state where nudism/naturism is still taboo.
I ‘d my first experience once I was 13. One day, I forgot to wear the swimming trunk and I understood that when I am going to lose my trousers. I actually don’t desire to go back home for my undies. So I decided to wrap a towel and keep to swim. The towel used to slip off often and for the first time in my life that my skin got in direct contact with water under sunlight. I felt the coldness of water as well as the warmthness of the sun with entirely nude body. Its a sensory feeling and I fell in love with naturism for the first time.
To be honest, I got into few sexual actions (like nude erotic massages etc) during my teen. But I never felt the real well-being in these types of activities and every time that I believed guiltiness in my heart that Iam doing something incorrect. Nudism for me at that age is just glaring at nude women.
When I reached my twenties, I started believing in a matured way and I started loving naturism. I ‘d the influence of few philosophers on my head, that makes me to select naturism. Infact , nothing around me is fascinating for me now than my own naked body subjected to sunlight.
But as I mentioned earlier, naturism isn’t welcomed in Asia. So, I used to confine my activities within four walls. But whenever I get a change, I never consider second time to wear my birthday suit
First time naked in public
First time naked in public? Thatis an excellent question. So young that I can not recall. My maternal grandparents were practical and frugal, and that place the mind-set towards clothes. Do not get your clothes dirty.
As a kid, I had a vitamin D insufficiency, and there were two options, cod liver oil (yuk) and more sun. Since sun was free and my parents did not have to induce me to take it, playing naked was the alternative.
As a kid I did not have a bathing suit or a tuxedo. “Why purchase something which you’ll barely ever use?” Visiting the shore proved to be a special occasion, perhaps two times annually, and when we did, it absolutely was to one end of the shore. Father went in the water in his panties. Granny brought another house dress to wear in the water.
Would you think that my family was really spiritual at this time? They were, but “small apparel” meant do not flaunt your wealth, not conceal what God created, your body. When I was a teen/young adult there were lots of areas in the Lower Mainland that we’d go to and celebration and skinny dip, but the majority of them have become regional parks now. My first wife did not have a problem with nudity, she’d strip anytime and anyplace. I was overly conservative.
The answer was “I Will go, but I am wearing a bathing suit.” While pursuing one of my sons, she fell from her top, and away it arrived. About 10 minutes after, “What the hell.” and away came the remainder. We located and joined the previous Sunny Trails Club in Surrey, and have been part of ordered nudism ever since.
We’re likely not accurate Nudists/ Naturists because we truly believe that nakedness is natural and not sexual. They actually do not, or there will not be so many rules to show that it isn’t. Do not do this or that, or do not wear this or that, because it might seem to be sexual.