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Brunette with great ass at the beach

Hi Kate, I've been liking your site for some time now and always wonderedhow I could contribute with pics. As I was demonstrating my 36 yo neighbor yoursite she got so excited that she asked me to take some pics of her. I imediatelyhooked up the sony digital and began to click away as she observed otherpics and began to reveal her lovelies. I would love to see if you like themas much as I did. All comments are welcome. Maybe I can talk her into anothersitting if you like these. hehehe Kate, In regard to the former email that I sent with pics attached,I left behind to mention to please keep my name and email unseen by viewers.Enjoy!

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Please fix my truck Here are a few more of Lexie when we were away this summer. She would like to thank you all for the nice things you had to say.I know some of you don't understand why some of us dont flash faces, but there are good reasons.Thanks again for all the nice words.We look forward to posting many more.


Hi to all Nudistsbers! here are some pics of my wifey working around the house.often wonderd why the neibhors allways were over here will i was at work . some pics that i had laying around hope you all love . please put these in private..


