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Nudist Granny on fmovie

I love sending Elmo pics!
Encore une contri a Collioure (Pres de Perpignan).C'estait tres exitant de la realiser, car il y avait pas mal de monde, et surtout, la photo avec e mec qui prend ses photo de dos, et qui se doute de rien.. lol.. J'pense que si il avait su, qu'il y avait une jeune et jolie file toute nue deriere lui...il se serait ouvert les vaines!!! Non, jdeconne. Bon voila, en esperant que cette contri vous plaira,nous vous disons a tres bientot pour les prochaines contris. Bises de Toulouse, la ville rose.. Hi to everyone. This contri was very jokey to made, because lot of people, and more, the photo, with the man, who taking photos, sans imaging one minute, there is a youthfull and ultra-cute nude chick beind him...dam to him!! Hope you will love this contri, see you briefly for nexts contris. Smooches from France.

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no story again,,.. Okay here she is, after lots and lots of persuasion and nights of looking at your web site, I eventually got an ok from my beautiful wifey to send you these four pics. She picked them out, she thinks she is to fat..so comments welcome. Oh yeah could you please blur her face.


Precioso grupo de chicas. Hi RC gang! Ultimately got the wifey to say OK to sending some pics. Just got a fresh, cheap digi webcam, so we are learning how to use it. Hope that I am doing it right. Good comments, may get more pics. Oh yes, PDPEMA! Afterwards


