X Topless

Wild sex among the dunes of a beach

The deeper, the finer.
I've been accused of being long-winded in my text (this part of the contribution). Well, I choose to give shout-outs to my admirers when I get the chance. And this won't be an exception. With one switch. I usually attempt to limit it to a coupla dozen names per contribution. Holy Bullshit. I got over 200 of y'all who gave me your e-mail address in your comments. I wrote you back (and before I leave behind, these e-mail addys bounced - PhxBob, your fresh eddress, harryperv, livin_dildo, shaz, pss, Kirthim, Rich M and martin2523) and some of you actually reacted. 130 of you. So this month, I'm gonna give a Shit Howdy Shout Out en masse. So here goes:

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About last night :) We consistently used my office after hours for a "home away from home"...... Just another way to avoid the kids and babysitters. Plus it was joy cavorting around the office when my counterparts weren't there. Here are some of the pictures from one evening.


I like the view! Uk Windy Pics As Requested - Hi this is Windys 3rd contribution, here we attempt and sate some of the many comments from our last contri. Thanks for all your feedback on the last set hope these meet with your approval - please let us know. p.s. Windy loves the comments so keep em comming.


