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Nude Beach - Couples Caught on Camera - voyeurs & helpers

A rainy day in May
Hi Kate n Staff! ;) Here are some shots of me tanning. Two when I embarked, Two a few days afterward. I am getting darker by the day! :) These should go in the NIP section because I was actually laying in the back of a pick-up in a low traffic area of a park. I am visiting friends out of state so I can afford to be a little bolder than when at home in S Florida! I am almost done instructing and am looking forward to having the summer off! I don't want to see the Highschool for at least a MONTH! I took a spread shot that revved out truly good but the last time I sent in a contri with one you didn't post it? I thought you liked the color PINK???!!! LOL ;) OK...one more thing, I/we am/are looking for a 3sum accomplice, think you can help me find one!!?? They must be able to cum/travel to Florida! The naturist is still #1 and the only site I contri to so PLEASE make sure you DIGI MARK everyone of my photos you publish!!! XXOO ( Call these Tina Toasting - it was HOT ;) and my horny spouse behind the aaaaaa....lens! ( He leaped me right after the Rear end shot! ::))

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She means business! Hey everyone,Thanks for all the nice comments so here is another set of pics and for all you Ky football admirers you have to look for the big truck at the games because thats where I'll be. Love the VW and PDPME " Afterwards all ! "


Fresh years eve Lo scorso agosto alla spiaggia libera "Le dune" vicino a Forte dei Marmi. Quel giorno c'erano molte ragazze in bare-breasted, tutte accompagnate dai rispettivi uomini... io me ne sono sbattuto le palle e... CLICKKK !!!


