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Nude Beach - Beach Camp Bareback Swingers

wake up! good morning
Kate, Sailor, Asher et all. This was a little unexpected.I was out shopping around andsaw this PJ set that I thought would be very handy for Bliss, No intent on a photo op when I got it. Well, she liked it so much that she just desired to display me just how much she liked it. And well when Bliss says get the web cam I get the web cam and you all get the prizes also. Hope you all love and reminisce to check out all of Bliss' picutures at her sites) PS, any Ohio members interested in getting together for a little Ohio naturist soiree leave us a comment and we will get back to you. http://sites.voy-zone.com/blissfullyyours/index.htm

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Sara cooking Golfing Good day for golf. She lost the undies after the 4th crevice. Beer cart lady emerged to like it. She drove up to us alot. What do you think? (especially the ladies)She's almost 40!! Sorry have to block face


hitchhiking A Truly uber-cute assistant in my building liked the idea of some modeling for me. We agreed to post on VW, and split the prize $ if there is any. She just hopes her friends at the office doesn't find out!! Please vote for Keiko!!


