X Topless

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She's On Top Again
Hi Everone, I thought it was about time that I submited some more pics so here goes with four more I hope you all like them. I have a truly hot collection of photo's with me in my school uniform and I am attempting to talk my beau into letting me share a few of the pics with you all, but as you guys know it's up to him which pics I am permitted to send and which ones I have to save for him only, hopefully he will let me send some briefly. My beau says he doesn't want me to send any more pics but I am hoping he will switch his mind because I truly love sharing my photo's with you all ! Hopfully I can send you all some more pics real briefly. Love Amber xxxxxxxxx .

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Just me on vacation After a lengthy day sightseeing and taking pics all over Nola, I was ready for some hot bang-out, let me know what you think.... thanks for all the fine comments, ummmmmmm talk about making me want to be more Naughty!!!!!!


From inwards the room ... thank you all for the good com... as of allways there is a few out there that don't have a clue..as i said in the very first post this is a series.....i post from the very first pictue to the last...thats why you din't see her spunk yet, is that so hard to understand????


