A quickie one evening Hi to all the RC family. The response from our last contri was tremendous. Thanks to everyone that commented on the BB, we will be taking more movie of our next Three way get together. Thanks again Kate for providing us a place to share ours lives with the world.
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Posing on stairs
Marry XMASS to you!!!!! Howdy Kate, staff, and friends. Did you know that Monza is a delightfull medioeval town worldwide famous for F1 competition, and rich of historical reminds. the "Duomo" a Cathedral, you see at my back 1100 Y/O has been bilt by a beautifull longobardian princess named Teodolinda. the "Villa Reale" made on same "tracks" of Versailles. and also a active style town whome smallish streets get croudy with costumers and nosey as xmass comes closer. It has been titillating posing on a saturday afternoon in front of the Duomo half an hour before Liturgy! All of a sudden. at the back of Mauro appared some guys; they standed all time lengthy watching at me and at my pussy!! It was fucking cold but I'm glad have won my inward limit and displayed beauty can be unspoiled and joy. do you agree? Observe the contry and tell me your impressions. Observe OUT! Look on 7th pic the little black and chocolate-colored dogs. What eyes!!! The dogs look more excited than human beings around. :-)) We apologise for the low quality of some shots, it has been the very first time using digital camera. Thanks for your comments last contry, it has not been possibile response to all, but keep on voting me, and write me please. Your comments have been fine. Yours Elise Spero queste immagini possano scaldarvi durante le notti fredde di dicembre . :-)) Ho apprezzato i vostri appassionati commenti, e anche se non ho potuto rispondere a tutti continuate a scrivermi; Mi raccomando. votatemi. E' stata la prima volta che mi esibivo nuda in citta e non e stato facile. le foto sono fatte velocemente sia per il freddo che per i vigili che giravano per i vicoli del centro. Le foto infatti sono molto spontanee e con qualche problema di messa a fuoco, dovuta all'inesperienza nell'usare la nuova macchina digitale. Cmq dietro le spalle di Mauro si e creata una folla di uomini che stavano a guardarmi. Alla fine solo uno si e offerto di fare la foto con me. Tutti però anno applaudito, persino una signora sui 50. Grazie a tutte le coppie che si sono fatte avanti per scambiare foto e altro. cercheremo di accontentare tutti. Un bacione dalla vostra Elise. Ciao
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1st set of a few These all come from a nice, calming Saturday afternoon a week or so back. Walking around the Unwrap District here near home. Anybody who's from Pittsburgh and has been to The Unwrap on a Saturday know that there are a ton of people everywhere... now you get to see what everyone else did!
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