X Topless


Hope you like my breasts?
I found this wonderful web-site totally by accident about three weeks ago. As I admired the lovely women and creativity I began to wonder if my wifey might be up for this. The idea excited me very much but I was not sure how she would take it. Last night as we were prepping for a Friday evening of making love I displayed her the web site and I think she was even more excited than I was. We can not demonstrate our faces due to pro jobs but if you think these are good pictures we could become regular contributors. We both have a good sexual imagination and truly love pleasing each other. For now we will call my lovely wifey GRITS, Damsel Raised in the South. Sorry no e-mail this time but provide some good feedback and the planning will begin for another shoot.

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freundin am strand Our very first exploration into the swinger world led me to an titillating encounter with my hubby and a very close friend of ours. It was my very first girl-girl intimate interaction. This is one of the pics taken just before our HOT playtime began.


After the act. Another nice day. We determined to drive down to the park in the convertible. It is a weekday so not many people out and about. She determined to take her sundress off and drive naked. She loves the perceive of the air on her naked skin. Once there she did a little posing around the car for me.


