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What A Beautiful Day At The Beach By TROC

*Ca Satan Bare-chested - Hi again, I sense superb and very hot driving in a bare-breasted car. I like quick hot cars, like this Attack. However I can only drive it in summertimes. Often you see me and my car drving braless, most people dont mind and smile..... Its so good to perceive the sun searing on my tits, its getting a sunburn while driving, devilish..... Hope you like the pictures too. And thank you for all you sweet lengthy and hot mails... I am earnestly thinking of opening a Dr.Devil mail...so many gals are now asking me about not wearing underwear etc... I can only say this..It's indeed fantastic, hot and devilish....just attempt it and you will see the reactions :-)) Big Smooch to all of you again, Demon.

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Little peek! For all the people that have left hostile comments, lighten up. This is all a bit of joy, there is room for everyone in cyberspace. If you want more explict pictures stop being a cheapskate, pay up and join Naturists.


Sciana/the Wall Loving The Outdoors - It was such a beautiful day I just had to pose for the Hard Nips contest. Can't wait to read your comments... By the way, my puffies are truly sensitive....Cum see what I mean.... Lisa


