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dildo underwater at the nudist beach

Once again, THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful and encouraging comments you left for my last contri! We borrowed a digital camera to take some "profile" pictures...and had a blast! We weren't as blessed with the quality of the pictures, but we thought we'd share them anyway. Since we're shopping around for a digital of our own, this was a excellent way to experiment and find out if we liked this brand. For anyone who's actually keeping track, these are closer to my real hair color...sorry guys, I'm not a natural blonde...hehe...just be glad I'm not flashing pictures of when I cut my hair Indeed brief. Thank goodness it's ultimately growing out. ;-) Please be nice with the comments...I know some of them are a bit "cheesy"...but we had joy taking them. Hope you all approve. THANKS Kate, for using two of my "keyboard" profile pictures for the site...I perceive VERY honored!! Hugs and Smooches, Tina

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You like? [email protected] Paola Sigue Paseando Por Montevideo - Hola a todos los admirers y amigos de VW! Les estoy muy agradecida por los comentarios y votos a mi ultima contry! Espero que esta sea tambien de vuestro agrado y reciba una gran acojida! Besos


i love yummy beaver of gia Hi everyone! I'm glad you loved my very first Contri..It was sort-of a mixture of some of my fave pics. This Contri is of a sand tour we took this July. It was a lot of fun! I love being naked outdoors! xoxo ~Jen


