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beach voyeur ass crotch up close 187

My bum.
Hi there, after watching your site for so lengthy I thought it would betime for me to ultimately submit something namely a few pics for your nudein public section. I work as a light technician for the best ac dc coverbandin the Neths. and we play a lot of biker shows. The light equipment is usuallytotally screwed but the good thing about these shows is they usually havea stripper and I'm as being a member of the band am able to come very closeto the stage or even on stage during these acts. This time I actually thoughtabout bringing my camera with me. She has very beautifull shaven funlipsand (if you choose them) excelent arti Naturists. She came from eastern europeand I asked her if I could do some shots from on stage also. She lookedvery pleased with the compliments i gave her and I was rewarded with hermaking sure she came in front of my camera a lot. This is the very first timeI did this and I hope not the last. Just call these clean funlips becausethat's what I luved the most about this lady. Good luck with your siteI hope you stay online for etenity. .

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Fill'er up. Perceiving very unattractive lately and was hoping for some positive feedback. I know there terrible self pics and I wasn't up to the occasion...hehe but It was late night and the sandman was calling. Ladies comment only please. You guys are truly mean so be cool thanks.


Never posted before. Kimmy is one of the sales managers at the company I work for. We hooked up on a work journey recently and she agreed to take some photos as lengthy as I didn't display her face in them - I don't think her hubby would appreciate it.


