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Croatian granny on nude beach

Howdy, hope your love
Hi Kate and naturist friendsO Last July me and my housband were having a promenade in the country side, not that far from the place were me and Vanessa did highjeck in summer i03...It has to be somethini about the atmosphere.... or something in the air but I was tempted to leave the sundress upon the earth and perceive free (it hapens everytime when we walk thru those fields...!) Mauro had the camera with him ;-) of course, the rest hapened by itself.... Many Many hughs and smooches to all of you. Vote me and write me Iitry to answare to all the messages I recive, ok? Yours Elise Ciao A Tutti gli amici e ai fans...questa estate a luglio io e mio marito abbiamo fatto una gita in campagna, non lontano da dove io e Vanessa facemmo liautostop nude liestate scorsa.....insomma dyiO quando facemmo macello ;-))O.BEOSary liatmosfera che si respira, sary che sono maialaOmi son ritrovata nuda unialtra volta! Mauro ha scattato al volo con la sua reflex alcuni scatti,poi ci siamo divertiti a giocare con gli ultimi raggi del foot al tramonto. Non vi descrivo cosa E successo dopoOperchE questo E solamente un contri free-stile. Votate votate votate e scrivetemi in tanti, cercherU di rispondere a tuttiO. Vostra Elise

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From Brazil my sexy wifey. My neighbour likes to sun herself in my backyard explaining that my yard gets more sun via the day. I've often told her to help herself and that she's welcome to come over any time. She's smoking hot but married to some dumb bastard that doesn't realize what he has.


Catti Outside - , I was lounging back filming her skinny-dipping, and all of a sudden she came out and embarked fellating me, not for lengthy as I pulled her down and gave her a rough rear end style and luved smacking her butt hard and hearing her screaming in pleasure. She loves it when I'm rough with her.


