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Alison - Strips & Play almost Nude on a Beach

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Kate and Squad, I've been viewing web page for over Nine months and determined it was time to send in a contrib to your excellent site. Linked are some pictures of my 27 year. old wifey. Since the brith of our child she does think she has what it takes to excite dudes anymore (regardless of what I tell her because she has no problem getting this accomplished). She doesn't know I'm sending you these picture but with the help from Voy Web viewer with there favorable and hot comments, that I can flash her to prove she still has it maybe she will pose for some more picture. Sorry about the blur face but because of her job I have to protect her identity Please title the pictures Colorado Cheeks so that I will be able to locate the pictures on your site. Thanks and keep up the excellent work.

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Nice little caboose :) Well, we went to Vegas again and this time we did not win money, but had a fine time. By the way last time we did win and we took a check instead of cash, then I cashed it for $50's, when we got home. I just thought it would be joy. Hope you love these fresh ones.


For pink aficionados Here is a set of pics that were taken of my friend and I while we were having a sleep over :-), mind you there was not to much sleeping going on lol. Thanks for all the excellent comments on my last contri. Ill keep you spunking. thanks xoxoxo


