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Curvy young nudist lets the sun kiss her body

Having joy in Hawaii!!!!
Hi Kate, Jerry, Squad and all you voy-zonebers!! Thank you all for the comments on my Hawaii contri. Watching the contris for the last month or so I have noticed that things have been getting a little hot in here. Thanks Kate, I can eventually send WFIs again, just for you of course!!! *EG* Right before my excursion our camera broke right in the middle of a friend's wedding. Jme used it as the flawless excuse to get the fresh Canon he has been drooling over. Itis very cool and takes good pictures, but with interchangeable lenses, and tons of features our Olympus didnit have, it's taking forever to learn how to use, LOL. The good thing about that is a lot of fresh pictures! Some of them pretty good, hehe. These were from an afternoon of "practice" with me in a sheer nightie and a sexy pair of 'stripper' high-heeled slippers. Oh yeah, and those damn tanlines from my vacation that I can't get rid of, LOL. If only my regular boots would keep my gams looking like this, Iid never wear pants! Hehe. I hope you love and look forward to reading all your messages. You guys are the best! Love Ya, Nikki ;)~

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Howdy again everyone. Since we received so many postitive responses to the last Five threads, hubby thought that I should go ahead and post a few more threads from the two evenings we spent with this talented boy. Thank you for the votes and all the nice comments.


My bootie flash After the boat rail, we hopped in our convertible and drove down the road. The wind kept sucking up her micro-skirt. After passing several trucks she determined to let me drive, because she could not drive and hold her micro-skirt down. Gratefully, she permitted me to snap a few pictures.


