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Beach Sex video: mature couple fucking

Waiting for you HHub.
Last night I promised HtWifey I'd give her a rubdown if she let me take some pics. She did and afterwards I gave HtWifey a rubdown that led to more. Very first I massaged her feet, calves and hips, I then moved up to her caboose cheeks. I kneaded them while I leisurely slipped my thumbs just inwards her slightly moist twat lips, then over her cock-squeezing little clenched asshole. After a period of time she leisurely commenced to loosen more. I commenced to hear her scream, then her labia all of a sudden became totally wettened. Ultimately her asshole commenced to gape open a little each time my thumbs got near. When I eyed this I began to plunge one then both thumbs in with each pass. She shrieked even louder. I couldn't take it anymore, so shoved my man sausage deep inwards her butt as she caressed her thick, engorged joy button from underneath. In only a matter of a minute or two her donk was contracting in sways around my jizz-shotgun, while her cunt gushed all over the towel.

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Ciao a tutti !! Hi - I am glad that there are fairly a few viewers who like "artsy" pictures, like in my very first contri. So.... Here are some more pics of my ex-GF, taken when she was 18yo. Same style... but a little less artsy. ;-) Title: When she was 18yo [2] Section: Private Shotz :-)


here again!!!!!!! Want to see the inwards of my asshole. I've been known to stuff my snatch total with some big playthings, making my asshole gape at the same time and demonstrating it from the inwards out. Afterwards, I gape both slots broad open for you!


