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Ice Cool Blonde Babe sunbathing topless on the beach

the superb italian
A few months ago I submitted my wifey Ann's contri. The conti was titled "Alot of Convincing". Some may recall Ann was just about to turn 50. She didnt want me take photos of her anymore because she no longer perceived sexy. I coaxed her she still looked very good and I desired to showcase her off. She grudgingly agreed. I also said Ann is a very nice and kind person. If you do not find her attractive I asked please be kind or please do not react with harsh comments. We could not believe the responses she received. Well over 200 comments. Many were very kind commenting on how attractive she is. Many others were much more descriptive but we liked those to. Ann was absolutely perplexed. She said she never expected anything like this. Thank you for making my wifey perceive good about herself. Once again, if you like her please react and be as descriptive as you like. Thank you all again.

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My very first post.... I Have A Date!!! hubby said I was permitted to date other guys...but was surpriesed I had a date the next day and even more astonished when he eyed what I was going to wear...he got a throatful when I got home...hehehe (wink)


Aurelie love group bang... Night Time Outdoor Joy - Night out railing around and taking pics in the cool night air...little did we know but a local officer was watching our shoot the entire time, when went to leave he threw on his headlights and followed us fo a mile or so just so we knew hw=e had seen the showcase.


