X Topless

Brazilian guy at the beach

what do you prefer:
Now this might be a little bit different contribution. If you find me in Exposed in Public, it's cuz the last picture has someone in the background. Just sayin'. Damien and I went to a soiree last month. It was kind of a kink soiree, so he got to do some of his artwork on me. Yes, Li'l φhi is a canvas for strap art. I hope you like the creation. Problem is, with D as the cable artist and the cameraman, we can never get him in the picture doing the work. This particular chunk took about half an hour to finish. Cool, huh. I hope you like. Yeah, I know, it's all the same picture. But sometimes you guys like that stuff of other models, so we attempted to capture different poses.

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Like to play with my arse Lengthy time not contri... It's been a engaged time for Raven and Wulf. We've moved again. Here you can see the fresh back porch, and the lovely view... of Raven anyway (you might see the lovely view behind Raven too, if you can take your eyes off her. I never can). - Wulf


Fresh and clean! Sono eccitatissima, la mia pelle dorata A? desiderosa d' essere sfiorata dalle vostre mani, le morbide curve fremono dalla voglia sotto i vostri sguardi e la passera profumata mi si bagna al solo pensiero che voi possiate violare le mie intimitA .


