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Beach fuckfest spring break

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Vanessa In Egypt - As I promised here I am in Egypt . Do you know that the queens of ancient Egypt when they introduced themselves in public had the breast nude and the bod covered only with see-through dresses ? This because the bareness was considered art and not scandalous . I think so too , that's why I am nude in the ancient Egypt ( and inwards the pyramids too ) . It was not effortless to display my nude figure at the monuments because was total of policemen everywhere and some of them had seen me making nude pics and came to me but only ( with my surprise ) to make me compliments ( but I was worried to go in jail ). Ensue me in my egyptian holiday . Tomorrow we leave for the cruise on the nile where I hope to have fresh opportunities to showcase myself on the boat . You will see. Vanessa Come promesso eccovi le mie prime foto del viaggio in Egitto . Lo sapevate ( informatevi se non ci credete ) che nell'antico Egitto quando le regine si presentavano in pubblico era a seno nudo e il resto del corpo velato da un vestito di lino trasparente ? Questo perch? il nudo femminile era considerato arte e non una cosa scandalosa . Anch'io la penso allo stesso modo e quindi eccomi qua come tremila anni f? a mostrare le mie tette ( e non solo ) tra gli antichi monumenti e unspoiled dentro le piramidi . Ma non ? stato per niente facile fare queste foto perch? per ovvie ragioni di sicurezza questi luoghi pullulano di poliziotti . Alcuni di loro infatti mi hanno colto sul fatto a fare pose nude e si sono subito avvicinati . Mi vedevo gi? in prigione e invece mi hanno semplicemente fatto i loro complimenti . Ragazzi , seguitemi in questa vacanza in Egitto . Domani partiamo per la crociera sul Nilo dove spero di fare qualche foto nuda sulla nave . Vedrete . Ciao Vanessa

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Alice and the Whiterabbit I believe that a woman's figure is enormously erotic particularly when they aren't wearing a stitch of clothing...however, I also believe there are certain things women wear that accentuate their sexiness. Don't you think boots do this? Peculiarly when they hug the curve of a woman's calf...


It my Wifey Sexy ?? 2nd set of Marina. She is French, 39 y.o, mom of Three, and indeed hot. She is Marketing Manager in a french company in Paris. These pics were taken during a pro Congress, in a hotelroom, after a theatre session (her spouse don't know...)


