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I Love the Holidays!!!
Hi Kate and group and of course all of the wonderful people who have commented on the BB, I have a special request for all of you, I have been thinking of a fresh theme for some fresh pics. I need for anyone with a public vehicle (Fed ex, UPS, Fire truck, Ambulance) you get the idea. I want to pose in front of these vehicles, you can see of course. I am also looking for ladies to do a Two damsel contri. If you are in or near Arizona and want to help please leave a message on the BB. This contri has a special feature, a special aficionado (you know who you are!!) made this excellent collage for me and I desired to share it with you. Smooches,

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How to suck a dick Thanks to all for the good comments! We Truly loved them. To all of you with not so nice comments, shame on you! Hope you love these fresh pics. Any 40 something couples that want to trade, leave us your e-mail. P.S. Wifey came Three times thinking about posting these pics!


Watching Nadine. The BF here - This is a "THANK YOU" photo for all the people who have commented on her other 'flash' contributions. If anyone is wondering if she is as sweet as her smile suggests - know that she is, and more ! Behind those rigid tits is a heart of gold.


