we unwind in the sauna A duo of shots of my older well built Auntie. I hid under the bedand managed to get a duo of shots then she caught me, she was sligtlyflattered said I could take one close shot and told to leave. Camera AG307.Private use only.
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Beach girls showing their asses 1
luvs demonstrating her assets off
When Tea and I very first began talking online, I recall finding it strangely amusing that her profile mentioned that one of her hobbies was collecting novelty tee-shirts. I was nosey about it, but it also seemed like it could spell disaster (your life obviously is devoid of sin and excitement if you've got that kind of devotiontime on your palms for such a lame hobby). Now she has sworn to me that most were gifts, and she has continually complained that she is never permitted to wear the ones with more offensive messages. I asked her for an example, and she mentioned this t-shirt. I figured I'd let her lead on some photos, so I told her she could wear it in some. She was exceptionally ecstatic about it, and considering how nice she looks when all lit up, I'll put up with any cheesy hobby she can throw at me!
I NICE HISTORY This is my 2nd time to post but the very first time for her to pose. I flashed her all the comments her pictures recieved and it prompted her to pose for me. Thank you to all those who sent the nice comments and to those that sent the few bad ones but weren't kind enough to leave a name .... Get a Life
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