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Best Scenes 7 - Boobs and Boner at the Beach

We just having joy
Hi Sailor and the V-WEB gang! After sneaking peeks at your site for a while now, I am ultimately in the position to contribute to your fantastic site! As it so happens, my b/f asked me what I would like for my 18th bday (which was July 14...in case you needed to know that) and I asked for 1. a kick-ass tattoo and Two. for him to take some very sexy pictures of me to send in to you guys! I don't know who luved it more, him or me, but we both liked it afterwards *wink* The only thing I was wishing for, but didn't get ;-( was for a special girl-friend of mine to entice me and take me to bed! Hee Hee! So, if theres any other sweethearts out there who'd like to pic-trade with me and maybe share with me some of their technics, I'd love to hear from you! Drop me a note on the BBand lets have some sexy fun! By the way sailor, theres a special V-WEB pic included just for you!! Sexy Hugs,

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This is my friend Jane. I know Kate loves see-through, but many viewers grow impatient for more nudity! I think waiting for something makes it nicer. There is nothing finer than a slow tease! So keep your pants on while she is losing hers. Thanks,


Just Me By the Lake I think every woman has a pair of ripped up cut-offs. You know, something you can wear at home to be comfi in. But I actually wear these out! Living in a school town with lots of bars to check out, puts a of of guys in line to...check me out. Have some checkin' out fun!!!


