Nudism is not a religion

bbw-nudishNudism is not a religion. The characteristic of a religion is blind faith in an intangible. Belief in something which cannot be proved. Nudism is a way of life and a form of recreation. Nothing else. The benefits in the form of physical and mental health are tangible and easily proven. The individual who started this movement to have nudism declared a religion evidently didn’t think it through. As things stand in today’s political climate a nudist religion could not be practiced on public property, an ever growing amount of real estate, nor could it even be mentioned in schools. While sexually oriented nudity could still be shown in the movies and TV wholesome, family oriented nudism being a religion could not. These three things are essential to the growth of family nudism. 1) More public lands should be set aside for clothing optional use 2) nudism should be taught in school as a perfectly acceptable alternative way of life and recreation and Social Studies classes should introduce students to the many countries, mostly former Socialist Block countries, who embrace nudity 3) nudity should be portrayed in the movies and on television as being perfectly normal and natural rather than being sexually charged and titillating.