When I was in my very early teens

babe-fast-tim-sex-video-poWhen I was in my very early teens I used to strip off every time my parents were out of the house and enjoyed the feeling of being nude.
There were times when I went out in to the back yard and that feeling of the air all over my body was, and still is, indescrible. During my teen years I was not a recluse in my love of naturism and would not hesitate to admit to my love of being nude. Always in the context of the conversation, I never pushed it in peoples faces so to speak, but if the conversation had a leaning toward skinny dipping or the like I would say that I have no problem joining in or taking part.
Right up to the day I got married I had not experienced social nudity like in a club or beach. Of course my wife knew of my love of being nude but at that time did not join me in my nude time. It was in the second year of marriage that we wnt on a camping holiday to Europe with friends. We travelled through Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. On the return trip we stopped for a couple of nights on the Isle of Sylt which is just off Germany near the boarder with Denmark. My wife was there when she was very small as her family was stationed there with the RAF. There has been nude beaches on Sylt for years.
When we had set up the tent our friends went off into the town and I asked the wife if she wanted to check out the beach. To this she agreed. It was only the other side of the road from where we had camped so off we went. We walked through the dunes and came out on to a wonderful beach where everybody were nude. The wife looked at me and smiled saying go on then I know you want to join in. So I did!!! This was my first time nude in a social setting and it felt marvelous to be nude with others who enjoyed the same feeling I did.
We sat down on the beach and just relaxed for a while. The wife at this point was still textile. I am not one for sitting around for long periods and went for a walk along the waters edge. I would like to add at this point that whilst we had been in Sweden I had sunbathed nude on a couple of occasions when we were in the dunes by ourselves and the wife had gone topless. On returning from my walk I spotted a sight that will stay with me forever, my wife was lying on her back totally nude. This was such a wonderful sight that I must admit it gave me my first erection on a nude beach. I did spend at least the next five minutes lying on my front in the sand.
She said that she had felt the odd one out with others nude around her so she joined in. When we decided we better walk back to the tent we just picked up our clothes and walked as far as we dare before putting them back on to cross the dunes and the road back to the camp site. On the walk back she told me that she now knew why I liked being nude as the feeling was out of this world and we made arrangements to spend more time on the beach the next day which was the last before the long drive home.
When we got back to the tent our friend were back from town and asked us where we had been so we told them we had been to check out the nude beach. They asked what it was like and if there were many people there. We replied by saying there were two more when we got there… you should have seen there faces.
From that day forward we have enjoyed a nudist lifestyle and not hidden the fact we are nudists from friends or family. That was 37 years ago this summer. Some of the family still think we are wierd but who cares… we don’t.
Spread the word.. nude is best. Bob..