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blonde teen Fabienne at beach

Cooling it!!!!!
Angela a Civita di Bagnoreggio Near Viterbo there's a "town which die", joined to the world only by a narrow bridge. A place where live few people, and the time seems stopped. A pochi km da Viterbo un piccolo borgo fantasma sorge su una base argillosa che ha il destino segnato dalla sua franosita e che lascera scivolare nella valle sottostante, casa dopo casa. Un posto incantevole che meritava di essere utilizzato come cartolina per i nostri scatti nonostante qualche visitatore interessato al paesaggio!! Cerchiamo sempre coppie spiritose per fare foto insieme ma anche posti insoliti come garage, officine, palestre, spogliatoi sportivi(con tanto di squadra!!) per scatti maliziosi!

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Our very first time at RC Due to your arousing comments & constructive critiques, Rosa is permitting a perspective of her lovely bod, beautiful face and smoldering sexiness that few have seen. We sense we are introducing her explicitly yet tastefully, and we honestly hope you enjoy! -Rogue & Rosa


Summer travel Harmony'S Mischievous Swimsuit - I ordered this swimsuit off the web. Then I talked her into wearing it while I took some pictures! She said the "naugthy ones" were only for me but damn I couldnt fight back. I dreamed to share them! She has posted at the vw before.


