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bald bear wanks at the beach

Reading the comments makes me smile. I redden at some, and then my smiling face turns all crimson and I look like the Kool-Aid Man. I do appreciate the sympathy and understanding though--yes, I KNOW that I am a TOTAL dork! Albeit, a friend of Brandon, my sort-of-ex, sent me an email thru my site telling some of the pics and movie tainted his harmless view of me as "that goofy chick Brandon draped out with." I guess that's progress! As I've learned in my psych class this semester, we can't always manage how other people see us. Since there were requests for more dress-up photos, I determined to just be myself and let the dork flag fly.

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Spring Break These pics are of my gfs Shela and Jojo. I hope all you horny guys and gals love my fresh contri. She's sits down on the couch and takes my nips in her mouth and inhales gently. They are such a joy duo. Check out my web site if you want to seemore.


Tits and legs Sent an earlier contri of a woman I met in Muscle Shoals, AL but don't know if it went thru. Here are more to add to it. Title "Alabama Slammer", and she's 42 and wild. Think I'm going to have to send these one at a time....sorry.


